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Act 4. Pg 142

Su altísima excelencia,

Following the Treaty of Saseet, our information-sharing with the Grasskans is generating considerable intelligence. Fourteen reports are attached for review, but I wanted to append four executive summaries:

• The Grasskans have provided an in-depth description of the leadership structure for The Continuum. We've generated an organizational chart (see Report A, page 23) that seems to be accurate as of 12 months ago.

• The Grasskans were aware of McBride’s Wormhole. Their archives hold the location and description of the phenomenon, across multiple sensor platforms. Jinyiwei analysts have begun operations to quietly purge that data from Grasskan systems.

• The Grasskans have provided critical information on a little-known species known as the “Gannath”. The Gannath are a regional threat, and already attempted to capture the Machito en route to Astheet. In light of that, I’ve asked my analysts to review that data on a expedited basis. We’ve generated six reports (see attached Reports C-H) on Gannath technology, offensive capabilities, spider-like biology, sociology, ethics, and power structure.

We’ve isolated a core concern about the Gannath: Its leadership. Over centuries of war, the Grasskans continually found it impossible to sue for peace with the Gannath. They are ruled by a dictator known as “The Center”, who is larger, smarter, and more capable than their subjects -- but also biologically unsuited to compromise. Whenever the current Center died, a small number of Gannath would feel “called” to battle one another. These 200-300 Gannath would fight to the death until only one remained. The victorious Gannath would then be left alone to feed on the corpses of its opponents. But the victor's diet was hyper-specific: They ate just one tiny organ at the back of the brain. Similar in size to a human appendix, this organ produces a type of “royal jelly” that, when consumed in large enough quantities, triggers a cascade of molecular events. The victorious Gannath emerges with vastly increased size, mental capacity, violence, and narcissism.

As a result, the Grasskans found each Center to be universally unreasonable to treaty with. They were like a living id of the Gannath’s worst traits. And when paired with the Gannath’s territorial paranoia, and their advanced technologies, our analysis is that this makes for a unique threat to the Machito. I have sent this review to Captain Taneel, and await her reply.

• Lastly: You had ordered that no data be shared from these Grasskan files with subject worlds. I have made one exception: Releasing 2,456 files of previously unknown Grasskan literature to the Fillipods, after a formal request by the Tesskil High Ministry of Poetry.

I fly to Saseet in the morning, to review the Grasskan fleet.

This fist moves mountains. This fist moves stars.

El Puño




To the most honored El Puño, of whom great songs are no doubt sung,
My name is Ellessanontranon, High Minister of the Tesskil Ministry of Poetry (and Party Planning). I do not believe we have had the pleasure of meeting. But perhaps you’ve read one of my books? (Ha ha! Shameless!)
I write today to request a body of Grasskan literature from your archives.
In the course of lending engineering aid to Saseet, a Fillipod machinist overheard *the most delightful* long-verse poem being sung by the Grasskans while they worked. Written from the perspective of the moon and stars themselves, the poem was akin to a looping Villanelle, and employed the most beautiful double-rejoining meter to reinforce the call-and-response nature of the poem itself. 
THRILLING, as you can imagine! 
When she inquired further about the poem, she discovered the archives on Saseet contained thousands of Grasskan literary works we had never encountered in our previous cultural exchanges. Thousands! Some of which the Grasskans swore were the “Great Works” of their species! 
The horror! That these works were not dancing wildly across all worlds! 
To her shock, the Grasskans refused to share these works with our machinist. They claimed there was an imperial edict against anything being released from their archives. So I write now, in my formal capacity as High Minister of Poetry (and of Party Planning — while their administrator is on paternity leave) to request these works be released to our care.
In return, within two weeks we shall reply with full translations in Hybrid, along with the finest literary criticisms our universities can put forth. I will select the criticisms myself, to ensure you get only the highest caliber of our literary insights.
As I await your reply,       I am,
    in both earnestness of outlook and in bearing,            your most humble servant, 
                       PS: Ha ha ha but just in case...I enclose copies of my books with this letter. 
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